About BFMC

Thanks again for visiting!  Take a minute or too to learn a little more
about our church, our culture, and who we are at BFMC.


BFMC is a place where everyone is welcome, because everyone matters to God.  It seems like these days we’ve become not so good at enjoying life, but rather have become experts at enduring life.  Worship at BFMC is joyful, casual, yet very thoughtful and meaningful.

God’s Word teaches us that whenever we enter into His presence, we will leave differently than how we arrived; more like Jesus.


The first Society of the Brockport Free Methodist Church was in 1861.  Since then, after many seasons, we are thankful to be used by God to carry out our mission in this world.

Our Staff

Andy Sass

Andy Sass

Lead Pastor
Andy Sass

Andy Sass

Lead Pastor

Favorite Food: Pizza and wings
Currently Listening To: David Crowder and Dave Matthews
Likes Most About BFMC: "It's a place for everyone, where you can just be yourself and honesty connect with Jesus."
Something No One Knows About You: "I'm a die hard St. Bonaventure and Atlantic 10 basketball fan"

Mike Rivera

Mike Rivera

Associate Pastor / Admin & Youth
Mike Rivera

Mike Rivera

Associate Pastor / Admin & Youth

Favorite Food: Traditional chicken wings, mild, with bleu cheese (Main St. Pizza in Batavia, Perris, Marks in that order)
Currently Listening To: Youth Ministry Podcasts (DYM, ReThinking Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry Hacks)
Likes Most About BFMC: "Every Sunday feels like a giant family reunion"
Something No One Knows About You: "I really enjoyed The Notebook"

Penny Norton

Penny Norton

Associate Pastor / Discipleship
Penny Norton

Penny Norton

Associate Pastor / Discipleship

Favorite Food: Peanut butter, it goes with almost everything
Currently Listening To: My grandchildren talking to me
Likes Most About BFMC: "I most like how generous people are when they hear of a need"
Something No One Knows About You: "Unless I told them no one would know my parents named me Priscilla, but my almost toothless grandfather took one look at me and called me Penny."

Nyan Kaminski

Nyan Kaminski

Serve Director & Digital Ministry
Nyan Kaminski

Nyan Kaminski

Serve Director & Digital Ministry

Favorite Food: BBQ anything
Currently Listening To: Country-new and old mix
Likes Most About BFMC: "Seeing all the love and care that people show one another quietly behind the scenes"
Something No One Knows About You: "The next vehicle I want is a big tractor to work (play) with on the homestead"

Katrina Tinkous

Katrina Tinkous

Early Childhood Director / RSG Preschool Director
Katrina Tinkous

Katrina Tinkous

Early Childhood Director / RSG Preschool Director

Favorite Food: Spaghetti
Currently Listening To: KLOVE or 90's Rock
Likes Most About BFMC: " I love the worship at BFMC! I hate missing Sunday service."
Something No One Knows About You: "I have an impulsive side"

Mike Proud

Mike Proud

Adventure Zone Director
Mike Proud

Mike Proud

Adventure Zone Director

Favorite Food: Pizza and dessert
Currently Listening To: Family Life Network and Audio book "Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus"
Likes Most About BFMC: "I love how generous and giving our church family is - always willing to help those in need"
Something No One Knows About You: "I'm a procrastinator but I work well under pressure"

Dee Hansel

Dee Hansel

Associate Pastor / Main Office & Family Life
Dee Hansel

Dee Hansel

Associate Pastor / Main Office & Family Life
Mary Wright

Mary Wright

RSG Preschool Chair
Mary Wright

Mary Wright

RSG Preschool Chair

Our Mission

To know Christ and make Him known
by loving God and loving people.